AmigaActive (447/2143)

From:Paul Hill
Date:4 May 2000 at 07:44:16
Subject:Re: Poll

On 03-May-00 22:51:12, Gareth Knight wrote:
>Paul Hill
>> Part of Atari's OS is based on CP/M and the gfx system was GEM. Both were
>> written by Digital Research, which last I heard of was owned by Caldera
>> (probably aquired DR's assets to aid it's M$ monopoly trial).

>That would be the 16-bit version. Atari couldn't upgrade the OS for years
>because of some legal battle with DR (most likely to do with the look and
>feel- check out x86 GEM on how that legal battle affected competitors).
>Atari rewrote the OS from the ground up (real multitasking on a 030!) with
>the advent of the Falcon. Later they licensed the OS to a 3rd party to carry
>on development.

IIRC x86 GEM was deliberately restrictive so not to infringe on someones
copyright (Windows?).

Real multitasking on an '030, that's a novel idea!


Quote carefully and read all ADMIN:README mails